
Manaakitanga underpins everything we do - respect, generosity, care, kindness, hospitality. It is one of the most important concepts to us as it strengthens our connection to each other.

Lauren Bath


We embrace the Māori concept of te Taiao, a deep relationship of respect and reciprocity with the natural world. The health of the climate, land, water and living systems comes first. And when nature thrives so do our families, communities and businesses.

The air, mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, sea, and indigenous biodiversity is our responsibility as the present generation to ensure that such resources are protected for the future. We feel that a simple respect for nature lies at the heart of our daily lives and our business operation.

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The well being of our community and environment are fundamental to our ongoing success and we endeavour to operate in a way that looks after both. Our commitment to this informs everything we do - from local procurement, to reducing waste, minimising water use, the well-being of our community and animal welfare.

We consider our organic waste to be a precious commodity. It all remains on the property and is used in a variety of ways - feed for our animals, mulch for our garden beds, compost for future planting, bedding for animals and natural pest control.

We relish the opportunity to work with others to reduce waste such as repurposing items rather than buying new and feeding spent grain from our local brewery to our animals.

We spend the majority of our budget with local suppliers and businesses.

Over the 14 years we have owned our property, we have planted hundreds of natives plants, carefully selected to create a wildlife haven, providing a source of food all year round.

Our rain water is collected and stored for use on the gardens. Passive heating design provides all day warmth and in winter local firewood from our property and our neighbours is used to stoke our solid fuel cooker which also heats our water and radiators throughout.

For more information on our sustainability initiatives, keep an eye on our Notes page for updates.

Supporting Our Local Producers

We gather produce from all over the Kaikoura region, extending into the neighbouring food and wine production areas of North Canterbury and Marlborough.

We are blessed with an abundance of wild produce from the mountains to the sea. Our coastal waters provide a wide variety of fish including blue cod and hapuku as well as crayfish (spiny rock lobster) and pāua (abalone). The flavours of our region can be experienced in the outstanding quality produce from our locals - organic honey, olive oil, wine, beer, gin, mead, fresh vegetables and herbs, avocado, citrus, stonefruit, berries, grains, truffles, mushrooms.













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 Tiaki - Care for New Zealand has been set up by a group of New Zealand tourism organisations to actively encourage local and international travellers to care for our country as much as we do.

Tiaki means to care for people and place.

The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations. We wholeheartedly support the Tiaki Promise and encourage all visitors to Kaikoura to act as guardians of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Support the Tiaki Promise while Travelling in New Zealand by following the below guidelines:

Care for land, sea and nature, treading lightly and leaving no trace
Travel safely, showing care and consideration for all
Respect culture, travelling with an open heart and mind
And use the Tiaki hashtag to show your support